Friday, March 31, 2006

Grow Your Own 1up Mushroom Kit

This is the most amazing discovery in the world. Unlimited lives for everyone! Now time to find Yoshi.

[via ThinkGeek]

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Is there a Future for Career Programmers?

Between outsourcing and downsizing, in the long term it doesn't look good for Americans in the tech field. Just one interesting note, the author says on average that programmers get paid $50/hr... I think I'm in that "underpaid, overworked" category.

[via Redline]

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Boob Job Ban In Space

Breast implants may explode in space. I guess few pornostars and models will be going to space. Well, as long as we can send Lance Bass, I think we'll be good.

[via Sky News]

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Monkeys pay per view

Male monkeys are willing to "pay" to view the female monkeys privat parts. I think this is something we all know from studying human behaviour. It's fascinating when we find this behaviour in monkeys but its just dirty when humans do this. "Damn dirty humans!"

[via EurekAlert]

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Winner Named for 'Home Office From Hell'

Home Office from Hell contest winner. This guy has to put up with a lot just to work. I hope he makes it rich one day. Good luck! I wonder if they'll have a 'Office from Hell contest'?

[via Offices 2 Share]

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Workaholics struggle to say "No" to work

Workaholics? Is there an -aholics for being lazy and bored at work? Because if there is, I'de like to sign up for the 12-step-program. 12-step-program rules.

[via Yahoo News!]

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Four beautiful words: All You Can Eat..

A world record setting All-You-Can-Eat buffet to raise money for hunger relief. Does anybody else find this a bit odd. I guess if it all goes to charity, it doesn't matter how it gets there.

[via Yahoo News!]

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hello Kitty Wedding

If you happen to be in Japan and love Hello Kitty, well this is a great time to start planning your dream wedding. This one is definately weird but I guess it's no weirder than any themed wedding. If I was the groom, I would reconsider this marriage...

[via Plant Hello Kitty]

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Fighting Robots

This is a great video of fighting humanoid robots. It's not like the battle bot car-type robots. The little red robot is funny, and has some surprising moves. It's funny the way he moves. Don't expect to see UFC style moves... yet.

[via Robot Fan]

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Crazy Cat Terrorizes Connecticut Town

So a 6-toed cat has been scratching and biting random people. Somehow I don't think he's going to abide by the restraining order. The solution... tape!

[via Yahoo News!]

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

How to confuse a cat

This is a funny video. I need to get a cat and try this!!!

[via YouTube]

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Gay Cowboy Truck

How could a truck be gay? If it was used in Brokeback Mountain, thats how! Now you can bid on this truck on eBay and live the life of a gay cowboy too! Exciting times we live in.

[via eBay]

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Man Is Charged $4,300 for Four Burgers

I wonder if he got fries with that?

[via Yahoo News!]

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Monday, March 27, 2006

Always Give 100% at Work

LOL! I should print this out and put it on my desk.

[via Funny Pictures and Cartoons]

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China's Artificial Sun

"The full superconducting experimental Tokamak fusion device, nicknamed 'artificial sun', can generate infinite, clean nuclear-fusion-based energy. It will be built in March or April in Hefei."

Didn't they watch Spider-Man 2??? No! Don't do it Dr. Octavius!

[via People's Daily Online]

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Dial N for naked

So up to a 1/3 of the ppl in Britain talk on the phone naked. Hope they're not getting naked during the phone conversation. At least people don't blog naked...

[via Yahoo News!]

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Drunkard kills himself over meatless dinner

The guy likes his meats... YUM!

[via Yahoo News!]

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[via Yahoo! News]

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Nineteen Words That Don't Belong in Your Resume

This is pretty helpful guide for words to avoid while writing your resume. Now I just have to fix mines up and get a new job.

[via Tech Repiblic]

Couch Monkeys

Scientists are studying lazy monkeys to find out how they became that way. The study has noticed the trend that lazy baby monkeys make lazy adult monkeys. The next "monkey" they're going to study is humans. They've yet to conclude that being lazy is a bad thing.

[via ScienCentralNews]

10 Strangest Computer Mice

The mouse you use at work is not as cool/weird as these. Check out the 10 strangest mouse, then go buy one.

[via TechBlog]

Fancy Pants Adventure

Cool flash game. Run around and do crazy flips/jumps. Only played a little bit. It reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog. I'll probably play it at work on Monday. :-)

[via HallPass]

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Giant Pink Bunny!

GIANT PINK BUNNY!!! Run for y'er lives! I guess this is kind of old, but I've never seen it before.

[via Cellar Image of the Day]

Catch Thirty Three

Simple game where u try to "catch" 33 numbers. Fun game, high score didn't work when I tried it. Would be nice to see if I'm the best. :-)

[via TokenArcade]

Friday, March 24, 2006

Mice testicles yield 'ethical' stem cells

LOL! That was my first reaction, then I read the article. LOL! In layman's term, pre-sperm cells -> stem-like cells. They've successfully done this on mice, and now trying it on humans. So if one day, I lose my hand I can grow a new one... from my balls...

[via New Scientist]

Finding drunks in a bar

It's a sad Friday if people can't go to a bar and get drunk. I think it's a bad idea to assume every drunk person is dangerous. True that people can get out of hand when they're drunk but there's no reason to assume everybody's a dangerious drunk. There's also sleepy drunks and friendly drunks.

[via Yahoo! News]

Hawaii Job Paradise

According to Department of Labor, Hawaii has the lowest unemployment in the country. This sounds like an excellent time to switch jobs and move! Instead of working to retirement to vacation there, it would be easier just to live there. Everyday would be a like vacation!

[via Yahoo! News]

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Selling balls = $$$

Apparently it's possible to become wealthy by selling antenna balls to people. If you own an antenna ball on your car, most likely you made this guy rich. Now all I need is a great idea like this and retire.

[via Uncommon Business]

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Firefox breaks up engagement

A woman breaks up with her fiance of 5 years because of bug in Firefox. I guess Firefox is not a good browser for couples with secrets.

[via Mozilla]

Productivity is directly linked to monitor size

Apple made this sweet report on how productivity is related to monitor size. Be sure to show your manager. I assume they want you to buy their monitor. And that I do.

[PDF file via Apple]

How be a rockstar programmer

Interesting tips for better programming. Somehow I don't think "rockstar" and "programmer" have ever been used together. I don't think this guide is useful unless you're already at the top of the food chain. If you're a lowly intern (ah-hem) its a good way to get your self outsourced. My theory Easy-readable-code = Outsource.

[via Javalobby]

Let my garden gnomes free!!!

A woman hid all her garden gnomes to prevent them from being collected by a tax agency. I bet if she had cats she would hide those too... in the refridgerator.

[via Yahoo! News]