Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pearls Before Swine comic hit the nail right on the head.  Work really hard for your entire life so you can make some money and hopefully retire at a reasonable age.  Then maybe get to enjoy a couple of good years before you start pushing up daisies.

[via Pearls Before Swine]

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What Happens When Your Startup Goes Bankraupt

Sam Biddle writes about an employee at Meez, a gaming company that just recapitalized itself. In order to pay off a $16.04 million debt, it did a reverse stock split of 8,000,000 to 1. This left the employee with a nice fat check totaling- 56 cents. At least the CEO took the time to hand-write the check.
The employee says
People all too often don't hear about the harsh reality that sometimes happens. You bust your ass for years and inflict a self brainwashing mentality that your product kicks ass, only to find out that it a series of mistakes were made that end up forcing a company into the situation that we see here.
I doubt this will stop people from joining/creating Startups, but it's worthy reminder of the possibility of failure. So if you're in a Startup, make sure to eat as much snacks from the breakroom as you can, it just might be all that you get at the end!
[via LifeHacker]

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Little Penguin Responsibilities

"Some days I just wish I could be transformed into a little penguin.
That way I could completely ignore all of my human responsibilities."

You're preaching to the choir little penguin....

[via Sebastien Million]