Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Job?! F*ck It!!

This is a hilarious pamphlet that Packard Jennings sent in those business-reply-letters. It's a how-to-guide to quit your job and start your own little tribal community. Follow the link for the full pamphlet!

[via Packard Jennings]

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Friday is happiest day of the year, British scholar finds

Wooohoo! Now I've got scientific proof Friday is awesome!!!

Feeling more happy than usual this particular Friday? You should be, according to a scholar in seasonal disorders at a British university.

Cliff Arnall has analysed such factors as outdoor activities, nature, social interaction, childhood memories, temperature and holidays -- data gathered over a period of 15 years in interviews with 3,000 people around the world.

His conclusion: June 23 is the happiest day of the year.

"People across borders experience happiness when they meet with friends and family and establish close social relationships," the University of Cardiff academic told AFP. "We need some close emotional ties."

He used what he considers a "simple equation" to reach his conclusion -- O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He.

O stands for outdoor activities, N for nature, S for social interaction, Cpm for childhood summers and positive memories, T for temperature and He for holidays and looking forward to time off.

Arnall has already figured out the saddest day of the year. It was January 23 -- a Monday. "Surprise, surprise", he quipped.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Friday, June 23, 2006

What Happens When Your Company Gets Bought Out

What happens when your company gets bought out? Written by Steve Gedikian from Nullsoft after being bought out by AOL. Even though it's written 2 years ago, it's still relevant today. This is exactly what has happened recently at my work place. Interesting to compare the parallels. Well, back to work.

[via gedikian.com]

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Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is impossible. A slideshow showing a snail doing what we might think is impossible, but really is not. Cool.

[via flickr]

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gentlemen's Fight Club

This sounds like a great activity. After work, beat your fellow co-workers (or get beat), then share some beers as you watch the replay of yourself hiding in the corner in a fetal position.
A couple times a month, deep in Silicon Valley, a group of software engineers meets for a Gentlemen's Fight Club. Scroll through the pictures to see and read the story of the most recent gathering.

[via Wired]

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Friday, June 02, 2006

Lies, Damned Lies and Résumés

An article from Wired about lying on resumes. I guess if everybody does it, it's ok right? There's also a reference to Forbes Top 10 lies on resumes too. Interesting read if you're looking for a job.
[via Wired]

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How to Detect Lies

This describes one of my friends. Of course, I've already figured out a way to detect his lies- it's to assume he's always lying. This list also describes why I stink at interviews. Figures...
[via blifaloo.com]

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Jackson Pollock painting program


It's painting program online. Definately can lose track of time making art. My art rivals those of elephant paintings.
[via jacksonpollock.org]

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Man drowns trying to save toy boat

Boats + Water = Death. That's why I prefer to sit in a cubicle and soak in radiation all day long.

A Florida man drowned after jumping onto an inflatable raft and paddling out to the middle of a lake to try to retrieve a stalled, radio-controlled toy boat, police said Tuesday.

Another toy boat punctured the raft, causing it to deflate rapidly, and the 31-year-old victim could not swim, Miami-Dade Police said.

The accident occurred Monday evening at a park northwest of Miami where the victim and several friends were racing the remote-controlled boats.

"I think it was all purely accidental. It's a fluke," said Detective Joanne Duncan.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Study Hard and You, Too, Can Deliver Pizza

This is not particularly a funny article but for me, a thought-provoking one. It's about a lady who delivers pizza instead of pursuing a job that would utilize her Master's degree. Instead of thinking she was dumb, I'm actually a bit envious. Not that I think delivering pizza is for me, but that she found a job she actually enjoys. Then again, I'm also torn about not being able to earning enough money to become wealthy.

Study Hard and You, Too, Can Deliver Pizza
People might say I'm crazy to waste my education, but I have what most of them don't: a job I love.
By Kathy Kallenbach Clark

May 22, 2006 issue - I'm a 43-year-old mother of three young kids with a Master of Science degree. I also deliver pizzas for a living. I started doing it after staying home with my children for four years. Caring for your kids all day is a fantastic opportunity for many women, but it wasn't right for me. I began suffering from depression and decided to get a job so I'd have more of my own identity. Now I work nights when my husband is home so we don't have to depend on child care.

After I learned the basics of pizza delivery—like getting the orders together and not getting lost—I began to fine-tune my new "career." Being competitive and organized by nature, I studied the tipping patterns and demographics of the town.

Our community had a small, expensive liberal-arts college full of students who ordered lots of pizzas. Most of the kids were friendly and polite. On Friday and Saturday nights, some of the dorms had huge parties. Though the stairs were sticky from beer and the music was so loud they couldn't hear me knock on the door, the crowds of happy students shouting, "Pizza! Pizza!" always let me through.

A few of the quieter dorms were full of more studious students who seemed to look down on me, perhaps because they were on their way to more professional employment. I always felt like telling them that they should stay in school and get their master's degrees, and maybe one day they would have the wonderful experience of delivering pizzas.

The first few days of each month, one of us drivers would take our turn covering the public-housing developments. These customers did not always tip well, but I always liked seeing the children and adults sitting outside and enjoying the evenings when the weather was nice. The higher-income neighborhoods were much quieter, and I rarely saw neighbors talking to each other.

The delivery area was quite large, but in a country town like that one you could drive 10 or 15 miles and hit only one stoplight, so a quick driver could cover more than 100 miles and 20 deliveries a night. I learned to love the solitude, listening to music, looking up at the stars and thinking about life.

A year ago my husband switched jobs and we moved to the suburb of a large city. I planned to get a job that would put my degree to use, but within two weeks of settling in I found myself yearning to drive again. I went to work with a pizza franchise and once again had to learn how to pack orders and not get lost. Within a month I learned the lay of the land, which included eight-lane highways and stoplights every mile. Deliveries take far more time, but some things never change. The college routine continues, and public-assistance checks bring a boost of business at the beginning of the month.

I also deliver to multimillion-dollar homes now, but the amount I make in tips has stayed the same. As I drive up to these beautiful houses, it's easy to fantasize about a generous tip. The person who answers the door invariably looks young and, like the members of my own family, highly educated. All I usually get is a brief "Thank you" and a dollar or two. (Why do people tip a waiter 20 percent to bring them their food from a kitchen that's 15 feet away but barely tip someone who drives 10 miles to do it?)

Not everyone is generous, but most of the people I meet are honest and will tell me if I give them a $5 bill in change when I should have given them a dollar. Still, there are some who like to try to put one over on me. I wonder how those people feel about tak-ing my money. Do they think the company will make up for it? The truth is that if I come up short at the end of the night, I pay for it out of my pocket.

I keep my résumé up to date and look for jobs that require my degree, but I haven't found anything that interests me. I feel bad that my daughter does not ask me to speak at her school on career day, but there is something about delivering pizzas that I find very fulfilling. I love watching the moon change nightly and working with fun, happy people. This job has made me very nonjudgmental about what people choose to do for a living.

You can now order a pizza on the Internet, but it is still a real person who has to deliver it. If you're lucky, you'll get someone like me, who loves her job. Please tip accordingly.

CLARK lives in Newark, Dela.

[via MSNBC]

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Evolution of Dance

Cool video showing the different styles of dancing over the years. I definately remember doing some of those! One glaring omission is the 'Electric Slide'. Can't wait to bust-a-move at a club tonight!

[via YouTube]

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Call Center Movie

This is a funny short film about Call Centers. It's about 12 minutes long. I guess you never know who you get on the other line.

[via CallCenterMovie]

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Fun with Google Trends

So Google released "Google Trends" yesterday and already there's tons of fun to be had with it. In particular, you can find out what locations does the most searches for a particular phrase.

For example "Sheep sex". I guess it confirms everything people have been saying. Hehe.

About Google Trends

With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched for on Google over time. Google Trends also displays how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and which geographic regions have searched for them most often.

[via Google]

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Teen Says Friend Asked to Be Hit With Car

Friend asks to be hit by a car, suffers broken leg. Now the other friend will be going to ass-pound-prison. I didn't know that getting hit by a car was fun, but now I do! I'll be sure to create some "fun" for my friends.

A 17-year-old boy who police said asked a friend to hit him with a car "for fun" was still hospitalized Tuesday with a broken leg.

Michael Morris, a junior at Chesterton High School, was in fair condition at Porter hospital, spokeswoman Robin Carlascio said.

His friend, Stephen D. Domonkos, 18, told police that Morris on Saturday night asked him to hit him with his car, something they had done before. He told police that Morris was "an adrenaline junkie."

Domonkos was driving about 25 mph when the car hit Morris, shattering the windshield, in the parking lot of a Chesterton restaurant where Domonkos works.

Domonkos was charged with felony criminal recklessness. If convicted, he could face six months to three years in jail.

"I won't do this no more," Morris of Chesterton told The Times of Munster.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Best exam answer ever!

It could be argued that this is the smartest or dumbest kid ever, but one thing is certain, he failed.

[via ImageShack]

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Kemis Sings Edmund

Tired of watching Asian kids acting "black" or lipsyncing? I sure as hell am. Well, watch this guy sing a Cantonese song, and sing it well. Cantonese is a very tough language to learn to speak, let alone sing.

[via YouTube]

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006

Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 Part 1

Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 Part 2

This is an amazing animation made to look like a video game. Lots of pop culture/video game references. Awesome animation like Metal Slug series. There is also a higher version MPG and Torrent available from selectparks.

[via selectparks]
[via YouTube: Part 1]
[via YouTube: Part 2]

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Santa? No! It's Naked chimney guy!

These things always seem like a good idea when you're drunk.

Believing they had a botched burglary on their hands, police in Hayward, California, called to a house instead found a naked man wedged in its chimney, a police officer said Monday.

"He didn't have a stitch on," Lt. Gary Branson of the Hayward Police Department said, referring to Michael Urbano.

The 23-year-old man came home early Saturday morning and, finding himself locked out and without his keys, tried to enter the single-story house through its chimney.

"He told us he took off his clothes because as he was going down the chimney the clothes would rub up against it and slow him down," Branson said. "If it was skin on cement he felt he would go down easier."

Urbano's effort ended disastrously when a cable-television wire he used to lower himself snapped. He fell and was wedged in a section of the chimney tapering into the home's fireplace.

For the next four hours he cried out for help. A neighbor called police and fire fighters, who dislodged Urbano, Branson said. Officers booked Urbano for being under the influence of drugs, he added.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Pacman 3-D

Real life pacman. lol! Playing this game in real life is much harder!

[via Google Video]

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pepsi Nex Game

Simple flash game made by Pepsi. Use your fist and smash through ice walls. Smash all the walls to win!

[via Pepsi]

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The sex-change chicken that crows

Chicken becomes rooster? That's a disturbing story. I wonder what it tastes like deep fried?

A sex-change chicken which started life as an egg-laying hen has turned into a crowing cockerel.

The pet, called Freaky, spent eight months laying dozens of eggs until she crowed like a cock bird one morning.

Over the next few weeks, she sprouted a scarlet comb, grew red flaps called wattles under her chin and tufty tail feathers - all attributes of cockerels.

Owner Jo Richards, of Saltford, near Bristol, said: "I've kept chickens for 10 years but I've never heard of such a thing."

Animal experts said Freaky's sexchangewas a one-in-10,000 rarity. It happens when a damaged ovary causes the hen's testosterone levels to soar, turning the remaining ovary into a testicle.

Freaky, a silver-laced Wyandotte hen, now crows every sunrise, aggressively attacks other males and even tries to mate with his old female friends.

Victoria Roberts, of the Poultry Club of Great Britain, said: "This is very, very rare. I've been keeping poultry for 35 years and I've seen it only once."

[via Daily Mail]

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Robotic Self Destruct and Self Healing Chair

That's a pretty amazing video. I wonder what else can self-heal itself... Perhaps fighting robots?

[via YouTube]

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

German police alerted after man falls asleep on phone to girlfriend

Boring people do make others sleepy.... Well, at least she's not crazy... or is she?

A boring phone conversation prompted an emergency alert when a German man nodded off while talking to his girlfriend, authorities said.

The 42-year-old man in the southern city of Nuremberg was on the phone to his partner Sunday when he fell into a doze.

The woman became alarmed when he stopped speaking and called him back several times, only to get a busy signal. Then she called the police.

Fearing the worst, the emergency services dispatched a police car to the man's house, followed by the fire brigade and an ambulance.

"When the whole crew pulled up in full force, sirens blaring, the man opened the door in a daze," a police spokesman said.

The man explained the silence at his end of the line to officers at the scene: a cat-nap during a lull in the conversation.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Easter Bunny Accused of Hitting Customer

I'de be angry too if I had wear a suit for 9 hours.

The Easter Bunny has been fired — for losing his head. Arthur J. McClure, 22, who had been hired to play the Easter Bunny at a local mall has been accused of removing the head of the costume and hitting a customer, authorities said.

McClure punched Erin Johansson when she got upset that the photo exhibit was closing 10 minutes early Saturday night, police reports said. The incident was witnessed by dozens of people at the Edison Mall, including 15 children.

McClure said he never punched Johansson. He claims he was trying to stop a fight between his wife — exhibit manager Crystal Frechette — and Johansson.

He said he took the bunny's head off because he had been wearing it for nine hours and was hot.

"My shirt was soaked with sweat," McClure said. "I almost threw up."

Mall management issued an apology to parents and children. Golden, Colo.-based Noerr Programs Corp., which contracted with the mall to run the photo set, fired McClure and Frechette on Monday. They also have been charged with battery and disturbing the peace.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Man Rediscovers Gift Fruitcake From 1962

I bet it tastes like a lil' piece of heaven.

Lance Nesta did what many people do when receiving a fruitcake — he set it aside, only to rediscover it more than 40 years later in his mother's attic. Nesta couldn't resist taking a peek at the cake, still in its original tin and wrapped in paper.

"I was amazed that it hadn't changed at all," he said.

Nesta's two aunts sent him the fruitcake in November 1962 while he was stationed in Alaska with the Army.

"I opened it up and didn't know what to do with it," Nesta said. "I sure wasn't going to eat it, and I liked my fellow soldiers too much to share it with them."

As best he can remember, he packed the cake with the rest of his belongings and shipped it home to Waukesha when he left the military a few years later. He recently rediscovered the boxed fruitcake in the attic of his mother's home in Waukesha.

His mom had given him advance warning of the fruitcake back in 1962.

"She knew I hated the damn things, but she said she didn't have the heart to tell my aunts, who had already mailed it," he said.

The cake arrived wrapped in brown paper with a red "fragile, handle with care" sticker on it. The cake itself was contained in a round blue tin printed with the words "Old Fashioned Fruitcake."

"Now it's just old," Nesta said.

While looking at the cake's container this week, he noticed the listed ingredients included rum and brandy.

"If I had known back then that it had rum and brandy in it, I would have eaten it," he said.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

India Driving

How people drive in India. Looks like a lot of chaos to me, but I guess it works.

[via YouTube]

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Disappearing Rabbit Trick

Follow the rabbit tracks. BAM! The tracks suddenly end where the wing prints of an owl start. This picture was taken by a friend of a friend who teaches in Bethel,Alaska. Photo by Susan Barstow.

I guess that's life.

[via SummitPost]

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Top 100 - Google Video

It's the top 100 Google Videos. I guess it's updated daily so check back time to time. Just follow the link below! ... beer girls....

[via Google]

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Comics: Dilbert - The Contractor

Why does this seem oddly familar?

[via Yahoo! News]

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Police Clock Teacher at Over 100 Mph

Hahahaha, it's funny because it's a teacher. You would think a teacher would know about speed limits and the law, but I guess not.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Police return $42,000 thrown out with trash

That is crazy. Is it common to keep large stock piles of money in the trash? I'm going to go dumpster diving.

TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese man wept for joy this week when he recovered 5 million yen ($42,210) in cash his wife had mistakenly thrown out with the household rubbish.

The 35-year-old man had withdrawn the money from a bank account but, fearing it would be stolen, he hid it inside a refuse bag which he placed in a rubbish bin, Japanese media said.

His wife unknowingly threw out the bag, which was found last month at a refuse collection point outside an apartment building in Saitama, north of Tokyo.

Local police returned the money after the man was able to give details of the exact amount and where he had withdrawn it.

Many Japanese keep large quantities of money hidden in their homes and cash is often used for business transactions.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

MONEY Magazine's Best Jobs

I got the best job! Now all I need is the best company to work for. Click the link to find out were your job ranks (if you're employed)....
1. Software Engineer
Why it's great Software engineers are needed in virtually every part of the economy, making this one of the fastest-growing job titles in the U.S. Even so, it's not for everybody.

Designing, developing and testing computer programs requires some pretty advanced math skills and creative problem-solving ability. If you've got them, though, you can work and live where you want: Telecommuting is quickly becoming widespread.

The profession skews young -- the up-all-night-coding thing gets tired -- but consulting and management positions aren't hard to come by once you're experienced.

What's cool Cutting-edge projects, like designing a new video game or tweaking that military laser. Extra cash from freelance gigs. Plus, nothing says cool like great prospects.

What's not Jobs at the biggest companies tend to be less creative (think Neo, pre-Matrix). Outsourcing is a worry. Eyestrain and back, hand and wrist problems are common.

Top-paying job Release engineers, who are responsible for the final version of any software product, earn six figures.

Education Bachelor's degree, but moving up the ladder often requires a master's.

[via CNNMoney]

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Teen Accused of Making 1,000 911 Calls

Now this is just dumb. If I were the cops I would've just arrested her after the 3rd prank call.

BUFFALO, N.Y. - A teenage girl acknowledged making about 1,000 fake 911 calls from her cell phone, laughing, taunting and saying, "You can't catch me," police said Monday.

Police said some of the calls made this month lasted several minutes, and one lasted an hour.

The girl was charged over the weekend with two counts of misdemeanor falsely reporting an incident for allegedly making six fake 911 calls from a local church phone Saturday.

"She didn't give us a reason for doing this," Chief of Detectives Dennis Richards said. "She was very disrespectful, and she said that she was going to keep calling 911."

The girl's name was not released because she is a minor.

The case follows the arrest earlier this year of Juan Merced, who along with his wife and oldest son was accused of making nearly 1,000 fake 911 calls from his Buffalo home.

Police said this new case may be a copycat one.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Accused Burglar Takes Cameras, Leaves Tape

I think this is called a "life lesson." I'm sure he don't make the same mistake twice... maybe.

ELKO, Nev. - A man accused of burglarizing a laundromat in Elko figured he made a clean escape over the weekend when he took off with the store's six video surveillance cameras.

But it turns out he left some rather compelling evidence behind — the video machine and videotape that recorded his face each time he stood in front of the cameras at the Southside Laundry.

Elko police said they came away with several close-ups of the suspect, Robert Lynn White, 52, Elko.

And even if the portraits were a little fuzzy, police said they would have been able to easily identify him because he was wearing cowboy chaps and a trench coat, the usual attire he wears around town.

Police are still working to recover the missing cameras but in the meantime they have arrested White on suspicion of grand larceny. The store is owned by Elko County Commissioner John Ellison.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Elephant Eats Scores of Cookies, Gets Sick

I guess this should teach people not to feed the elephants, for their own sake. But who knew you couldn't feed deep fried cookies to elephants?

.:.Read More

[via Yahoo! News]

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

Bruce Lee The FULL lost interview

This is the interview with Bruce Lee. I've seen bits and pieces of it, as many other have tpo, but not the whole thing. It's interesting what he says, especially what he says near the end. I wonder what the world would be like he didn't die so young?

[via YouTube]

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Is being an IKEA mascot the worst job ever?

Now that guy looks like he hates his job.

A Chinese man rests as his colleague works at being the mascot to the newly completed IKEA Siyuanqiao store in Beijing, China, Monday, April 10, 2006. IKEA on Monday unveiled its new outlet in Beijing that will be its biggest in Asia, a seven-story, US$100 million behemoth that the Swedish furniture maker hopes will put it ahead in China's thriving but crowded market. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
[via Yahoo! News]

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Rube Goldberg Machine

A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that strings together a bunch of unrelated items to perform a (cool, but useless) action. The video demostrates what the machines are. You've probably seen these on TV or movies.

[via YouTube]

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Sushi Samurai Game

A good platform game. Teaches young kids how to make sushi... not really, but it does keep bored employees entertained.

[via CBC.ca]

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

WarCraft 3 Multi Touchscreen Panel

Mitsubishi is working on a multi touchscreen panel. So what do they do with it? Play WarCraft 3 of course. Cool demonstration of the possible uses of multi touchscreen technology.

[via YouTube]

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New Technology: LCD Touchscreen "Cards"

This is a video of some new technology. It's like an interactive board where special "cards" are used to interact with it. The video shows the guy checking weather, sports, watching videos, etc. Too difficult to describe well, so just check it out.

[via YouTube]

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Comics: Garfield

I could apply this to some people I know. True.

[via Yahoo! News]

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Paperweight Severs Calif. Teacher's Hand

Teacher uses 40mm shell, to kill fly and loses his hand in the process. I bet the fly is dead though.

[via SFGate]

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What's Happening to Boys?

According to the Washington Post more guys are living at home than before. The trend might be because guys lack direction and focus. Girls, on the other hand, are achieving goals that they set for themselves. From my personal experience, I can say this is partly true, but living at home doesn't mean boys don't have focus. Bunch of my friends are already saving to buy homes, etc. The cheapest way to do that is to bum of your parents for a little while.

[via Washington Post]

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Job interviews that suck

Everybody's had a bad interview. I, for one, had more than my fair share. The worst interviews are the ones where you know the they're not going to hire you, but they still go through the motions. Several hours later, you get home, and there's an e-mail saying you've wasted your time.

[via membox]

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Monday, April 03, 2006

Turn yourself into an animal


[via Sk!dz]

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24's Tony Almeida In Japan

The actor who plays Tony Almeida in 24 is seen here doing a comedy sketch in Japan. I don't have audio at work, nor do I understand Japanese, but it definately looks funny! Michael Jackson makes an appearance too. Enjoy!

[via YouTube]

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Real Life Starcraft

Look what you did Blizzard. Look what you did... From this point on these kids will never have a normal life.

[via YouTube]

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Grow Your Own 1up Mushroom Kit

This is the most amazing discovery in the world. Unlimited lives for everyone! Now time to find Yoshi.

[via ThinkGeek]

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