Sunday, August 09, 2009

Co-Workers From Hell

WalletPop has a slideshow depicting 15 types of co-workers from hell. My favourite out of the list is the 'Facepicker'

As a corporate trainer I have seen a few odd balls. However, the worst person I clearly remember was in a new hire class I trained. Long story short, she would pick her face and eat it while I taught the course. It became so bad she had to excuse herself to the bathroom to blot the bloody mess she called her face. Other new hires came to me saying that she was a distraction and they couldn’t put up with her. Her favorite time to pick her face was directly after lunch, I still get a tad sick to my stomach even thinking of Facepicker. She eventually got fired because she could not perform the job. I hope she never works with people again.

I don't know of any facepickers at my office, but in elementry school I remember a classmate who was a booger-eater. I wonder if he's graduated into a facepicker? *checks facebook*

[via WalletPop]

Now hiring: Everywhere you didn't want to work

With unemployment in the US hovering around 9% and over 14 million unemployed, people are starting to look for jobs in once unlikely places. Higher skilled and expierenced individuals are applying for jobs at such places as slaughterhouses, sewage plants, prisons and poultry plants.

The articles describes several individuals that have done just that. Although not ideal, each seem thankful for their jobs.

It's depressing how the economy has shrunken, and labor has downshifted. Unfortunately this seems to be the growing trend. As much as I complain about my job, I am thankful that I'm not in their position... yet....

[via Yahoo!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Graduate sues university because nobody will hire her

Trina Thompson, a graduate from New York's Monroe College with a bachelor of business administration degree in information technology, can't find a job, so she's going to sue her college. She says that they haven't done enough to get her employed. She wants $72,000 (college tuiton and $2000 for compensation).

Oh yeah, it's one of those stories you can't believe is real. On one hand, it sucks for her because she's spent so much money getting a degree that has become worthless; on the other hand, she's responsible for herself getting a job. It's too easy to blame others for her own problems. She's got to work her networking resources and apply; she can't sue herself to retirement... Or can she?

[via CNN