Thursday, January 06, 2011

How to Get a Job With No Experience

LifeHacker replies to a question about how to get a job with no relative experience. The article covers four important points.

1. Everybody has experience. It may no have been your previous job title, but like most jobs, you end up doing a little bit of everything. It's important to find those small tasks that might be a useful skill or important to the job you're applying to.

2. DIY to gain experience. I believe this one is very important. I know when I was looking for my first job, I did a lot of DIY websites/coding projects that I believe would enhance my skills and make me more marketable. Although I don't use any of those skills today, I believe it showed my initiative to work hard and showed my potential employers that I have skills.

3. Internships. I believe this is a good way to get your foot in the door. Just make sure you are benefiting from this relationship and the company is not just getting free labor. Take the initiative to work on projects that help both you and the company.

4. Be charming. I was terrible at interviews. I suggest to practice with others and have them critique you. They might be able to notice any annoying mannerisms that you might have or suggest how to enhance your presence and demeanor.

I thought it was a great article and helpful for anybody who is looking for a job in these tough economic times.

[via lifehacker]